Le Blog de Racing Sparrow

C'est ici que vous trouverez des récits de construction, des informations intéressantes sur la voile et du contenu général sur les modèles !

Il y a 11 jour

Vidéo de navigation 3D du RS1000

Voici le troisième prototype du RS1000mm naviguant par une belle journée de vent léger à moyen à Nelson, en Nouvelle-Zél…
Il y a 29 jour

Première navigation au Texas

Belle journée ici dans le nord du Texas, alors nous avons emmené le Sparrow imprimé en 3D naviguer sur l'étang de notre …
Il y a 2 mois

Racing Sparrow 1000 Imprimée en 3D - Voilier RC

Nous avons été occupés pendant les vacances d’été à concevoir une Racing Sparrow de 1000 mm imprimable en 3D.

Le travai…
Il y a 5 mois

La magnifique construction en acajou de Chip

Chris, de l'Illinois, États-Unis, a envoyé ces photos de cette incroyable construction tout en acajou et laiton. Un trav…
Il y a 7 mois

Mise à jour impression 3D : Imprimez votre propre yacht radiocommandé !

Le processus de conception d’un Racing Sparrow imprimé en 3D avance bien. Le premier bateau a passé un essai en mer, ce …
Il y a 8 mois

Un Racing Sparrow imprimé en 3D !

Le moment est venu, et j’ai finalement décidé de tenter l’impression 3D d’un modèle de yacht Racing Sparrow. C’est un ch…
Il y a 13 mois

La logique de conception du Racing Sparrow 750

Le Racing Sparrow est un modèle de yacht radiocommandé conçu par le Néo-Zélandais Bryn Heveldt. Inspiré par ses première…
Il y a 18 mois

Radio Controlled Yacht Electrics - For Beginners

To a complete newby the electrics setup and installation may seem quite daunting. It's not easy to work out how everythi…
Il y a 19 mois

Model Yacht Design: Pushing the Limits with Racing Sparrow

The world of model yacht design is one of innovation, precision, and creativity. It offers a canvas for experimentation,…
Il y a 20 mois

Using 3D Programs to Design Boats: A Beginner's Journey with Fusion 360

In the realm of digital design, the boundary between what’s possible and what’s dreamt has thinned dramatically. This is…
Il y a 22 mois

Fearless Creation of Lead Bulbs: Exploring Alternatives without Hot Lead

Creating lead bulbs without the need for molten metal? We understand that working with hot lead can be intimidating. But…
Il y a 23 mois

Re-maiden of a Racing Sparrow prototype

Refurbishing my RS750 model yacht has been a fun little project for me, as I have always loved sailing and working on bo…
Il y a 24 mois

This Racing Sparrow has seen better days!

I was looking through my Dad's stuff the other day and found one of the original Racing Sparrow prototypes. It's a fibre…
Il y a 2 année

John from Perth - Launch day

Greetings, after a delayed build process brought on by moving house, my RS750 was launched on the weekend after much ant…
Il y a 2 année

Radio equipment evolution

The world of remote control (RC) technology has come a long way since the early days of 27 MHz frequencies. While the 27…
Il y a 2 année

Gary Hirst launches his Racing Sparrow

Launched my sparrow 750 today in moderate wind and she sailed like a beaut. Weight all up 2.1kg, water line was perfect …
Il y a 2 année

Build a Racing Sparrow in less than 3 hours

Greetings all ... I have been following the forum for a while now and am nearing completion of my first RC yacht, being …
Il y a 3 année

80% RG65 - Auckland, NZ

Hi, Ive finally completed an 80% RS 650 at 500mm o/all length, beam 120mm. Mast height will be 760mm and bulb weight 370…
Il y a 3 année

Bulb Creation from Finland

Because we are going to make I think at least 6 boats for now and more later i made plug for keel bulb out of birch and …
Il y a 4 année

Virtual Regatta Inshore

Here is a great way to learn to sail right from your iPhone or Android mobile phone.
Il y a 8 année

One Meter RacingSparrow from France

A stunning series of images from Garry Angel in France.
Il y a 8 année

Modified Sparrow

After MUCH playing about with things I now seem to have hit on a winning design planned from the outset to meet our club…
Il y a 11 année

Racing Sparrow Challenge

Here is the racing sparrow challenge one made from cardboard, three cut on laser cutter.
Il y a 13 année

Jeff Fletcher from Bastrop, TX reports

Here are some pics of the frames I made with my CNC router. I used a 1/16" bit. Guys at the local pond loved the parts. …
Il y a 13 année

A different use for your book

Hi Bryn, I bet when you wrote your book the last thing you had in mind was encouraging a young boy to read and use his m…