Blog: Article

Chip's Stunning Mahogany Build

23 hours ago

Chris from Illinois USA sent in these photos of this amazing all mahogany and brass build. Some stunning craftmanship!

Chris sent in a video of the boat sailing and she's flying along!

Chip 2

Thanks for the well-written and illustrated instructions. I started construction May 22nd and finished October 3rd. Maiden voyage was October 13th.

After building a kit 1941 Chris Craft I decided to build my Sparrow entirely from mahogany. I used ¼” strips butt-joined for the hull and for the deck I alternated ¼” mahogany with thin PVC strips to replicate traditional caulking.

I hand-fabricated all the brass deck fittings (except the mast step) and decided to use brass for the mast and spars since brass compliments the mahogany so nicely.

She’s fast and beautiful and responsive.

Chip Hackley, ILLINOIS, USA.